Thursday, September 15, 2011

Reflection and Prayer

I got up early this morning and went for a bike ride.  I needed the time for some reflection and some time to pray, and it was a beautiful day today. I often get caught up in things that take me away from the Lord.  Not that these things in themselves are bad, they are just weights that keep us from moving forward.  I desire and need time to spend with the Lord.  In fact, we all need time..and should take time for him.  It's funny how I can seem to find time for everything else, and think to myself, I'll pray later.  I try to talk to the Lord throughout the day, but it is nothing like that time we set aside just for Him.  Christ should be a big part of every little thing we do.
  There really are not enough hours in the day to accomplish all I want to accomplish.  Often times I find myself up sometimes until three in the morning or later, then back up at eight in the morning.  However, I just wanted to take a moment and say how thankful I am for all that the Lord has done for me.  I feel like I am the most blessed person in the world sometimes.  I am healthy as far as I know, not hungry, my children are well, I have a  home and a good church family and Christ is my Savior.  I am able to serve the Lord with the talents he has given me and while I am not wealthy, the Lord has seen fit to provide for all my needs.  Not always my wants, but my needs are met in his time.  If you don't know Christ as your Savior I urge you to seek him out.  Every promise he has made to me, he has kept.  He will do for you what he has done for me.  I am always available to talk about him and answer any questions anyone might have about the Lord.  Seek Him early while he may be found.

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