Thursday, November 10, 2011

My VirtuousHearts Etsy Shop is Open for Business

I have had an Etsy Store for quite a while, but didn't really pursue selling on there too much until recently.  I am determined to try to find a niche there that will be profitable.  I started with jewelry and crochet items.  I have found since pursuing this that somethings work and some don't.  Here are some of the things I have learned so far.  Jewelry don't sell unless it is unique, vintage inspired, or vintage.  You can't even give it away hardly.  Next, follow trends and if someone else is making money at will, if you sell a comparable item at a reasonable price.  Baby items are a booming business on Etsy..make small things cheap and you'll sell more.  Don't be afraid to change you products if what you're selling ..isn't selling.  I love to I create things I think are cute.  If it don't sell..I can give it as a gift.  Also, if it takes a lot of time and you have to charge a lot for it..try another item.  Best profit is that item with the least time and expense..but still quality and handmade.  Further more, supplies always seem to sell..and unique vintage/antique items.  Check me out on FB or Etsy.  If you have a great idea..go sell it. 

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Reflection and Prayer

I got up early this morning and went for a bike ride.  I needed the time for some reflection and some time to pray, and it was a beautiful day today. I often get caught up in things that take me away from the Lord.  Not that these things in themselves are bad, they are just weights that keep us from moving forward.  I desire and need time to spend with the Lord.  In fact, we all need time..and should take time for him.  It's funny how I can seem to find time for everything else, and think to myself, I'll pray later.  I try to talk to the Lord throughout the day, but it is nothing like that time we set aside just for Him.  Christ should be a big part of every little thing we do.
  There really are not enough hours in the day to accomplish all I want to accomplish.  Often times I find myself up sometimes until three in the morning or later, then back up at eight in the morning.  However, I just wanted to take a moment and say how thankful I am for all that the Lord has done for me.  I feel like I am the most blessed person in the world sometimes.  I am healthy as far as I know, not hungry, my children are well, I have a  home and a good church family and Christ is my Savior.  I am able to serve the Lord with the talents he has given me and while I am not wealthy, the Lord has seen fit to provide for all my needs.  Not always my wants, but my needs are met in his time.  If you don't know Christ as your Savior I urge you to seek him out.  Every promise he has made to me, he has kept.  He will do for you what he has done for me.  I am always available to talk about him and answer any questions anyone might have about the Lord.  Seek Him early while he may be found.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Hand Sewn Espadrilles..Gotta Love Shabby Roses

I found this great little pattern..well actually I've had it for a while.  I just realized upon finding it again, that I'd reallly like to try this.  I am so glad I did.  I really love these little espadrille house shoes.  There are so many variations you can do.  I made three pair today.  Each time I tried something a little different.  The first pair was totally by the book.  Not my favorite way I must say.  So I tweaked it a bit and found I made them more comfortable to wear, and much quicker and easier.  The pattern called for stiff interfacing and cotton fabric.  While it was cute, these were the changes I made.  I kept the stiff interfacing for the sole, but also added a layer of quilting cotton, sandwiched between chenille on the top, and an upholstery fabric for the bottom of the sole.  I also used quilting cotton for the top upper part, but for the heel I used the stiffer interfacing.  So Cute..So Shabby Chic.  I love those little roses on this fabric. I am going to continue to make these.  I think these will make great Christmas gifts for nieces.  Send a comment if you might like to try this one.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Chenille Pajama Project Complete

  Well I finally finished the chenille pajama project.  It was fairly simple, except that because I was trying to get a certain pattern repeat, I ended up having to recut one leg of the pajama pants again.  I thought they turned out so cute.  I just put them on Etsy in my shop.  I also got busy and made a handbag from an upcycled wool sweater.  I was happy with the completed project and put that in the store too. 
  Unfortunately, I broke a needle and knocked my machine out of time I think, so it will be visiting the sewing machine Dr. tomorrow.  Thankful I have spare.  Looking forward to getting busy and finishing a couple more projects tomorrow. Hope everyone has a productive day! 

This is the day the Lord hath made, rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Monday, September 5, 2011

Rainy Days Are Here Again..

It began before I got out of bed this morning and it's still raining.  There's not much you can do outside when it's raining, so it's a good day for projects.  I spend most of my day doing laundry, cleaning and trying to work on my sewing project.   It's coming along..a little at a time.  I should finish it tomorrow and then I will post a pic.  Funny it should be Labor's really been more like a lazy day. :)

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Hectic Days..or Just say, "No."

Everybody has hectic days and today was one of mine.  Then again..I have a LOT of hectic days.  I wanted to be more productive then I was.  I went to the fabric store and bought some patterns that were on sale.  I have had every intention of doing some sewing for the past three or four days.  However, we are not in control of the steps that the Lord orders for the day. While at the fabric store my son called me wanting me to drive him three counties away so he could go to a University Football game.  So, I did.
Still thinking that I had a good half a day to sew, my sister called wanting to come up, so I said yes.
  I know, I know, some would say, "why not just say no?"  Well, I could, but for some reason I hate to disappoint people.  Mainly because I hate to be disappointed.  I always think, "What if I wanted to do this, or that and someone said no, that could say yes?"  I would think that they didn't really care, so I say yes.  I do know how to say no, and I have said no.  I just always feel quilty when I do.  Well okay, enough of that, lol. 
  I did manage to get my paper patterns cut out.  Maybe next week I will have time to actually cut the fabric out, and sew.  I have been wanting to make pajamas out of recycled vintage chenille bedspreads, forever.  I saw some in this boutique in Atlanta, Georgia about fifteen years ago.  The only problem was that I didn't know where to find vintage chenille bedspreads.  I didn't want to cut up a really good bedspread either.  Then I discovered ebay.  I love ebay, and if I can't find it anywhere else, I can usually find it there.  Sometimes, you can get great deals, sometimes you can get took.  You should really look around and check out thrift stores and yard sales first.  The internet can be so awesome and a wonderful tool.  Then again, because I work with troubled youth, I recognize it can be a harmful tool of destruction to the mind of a young person, and in the hands of the wrong person.  Responsible parents should always be aware of where their children are going.  That is good parenting, and as a mother who cares what my children are taking in, I try to check often on the sites they are visiting.  okay, jumping of that soapbox now.  Back to the pajamas.  I hope to be finished with them by Wednesday next week and will take a picture and post it.  I have about three bedspreads, that are know as cutters.  They have some flaws that keep them from being perfect bedspreads, but not so much that they can't be repurposed into something cute and usable.  If you read this and you have any great ideas for used for chenille bedspreads, post it.  I'd love to hear about it.  I enjoy hearing new ideas.  Well, it's late, and there's church in the morning.  Have a good night and a better tomorrow.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Just Getting Started

This is the little cottage we set up to teach girls domestic and creative arts.  
     It is always hard just to get started sometimes..and then we try and run before we walk.  That's what I do anyway.  I love anything that allows me to create.  Unfortunately, it keeps me from choosing just one outlet for my creativity.  I sew, paint, crochet, cook, write, refurbish, etc.  I've tried knitting, but for some reason I just can not get my head around it.  Lots of folks say, " Oh it's easy." Well..I say.."Not so much."  If I mess up, it's over.  Besides..I'm kind of an instant gratification kind of person.  I tend towards impatience and if something takes too long, I'm over it. 
    To give you an idea of a few things I like to do I've posted the VirtuousHearts cottage above.  In the picture are things I have done.  This cottage was a run down little house with lots of potential.  I pulled up the olive green carpet and found lovely wood floors which I refinished.  I painted drab, dirty walls this really pretty robin's egg blue.  The pretty little yellow chair came from a thrift store.  It was covered in a 70's eagle holding arrows, on what I believe was suppose to be a beige background. I found a little fabric store that sells fabric by the pound.  I fell in love with the yellow shabby chic fabric.  It was just so cheery.  I used it to recover it myself, and it is one of the brightest spots in the room.  I repainted the side table, and the two chairs on each side of the computer cabinet, which by the way, I picked up at a yard sale for a steal at just $50.00.  The two floral prints above the chairs were just $5.00 dollars each at a Goodwill store.  The dolls on the left hand side I picked up from a little thrift store for $5.00 to $10.00 each.  I love decorating on a budget and as I go through the cottage each day, I want to share how I found each of the items and where you might find some of the same things.  The only thing I think I paid full retail for were some of my tea pots, a few bath items, and the little setee you will see later was not full retail, but the most expensive item in the house.  So while I'm not really just getting started when it comes to creating and art, I am new to blogging.  I have an Etsy store to sell some of the things I crochet, sew, or some of my vintage finds. I'm fairly new to Etsy too. I hope to be able to sell furniture and other items I redo or recycle.  Funny thing is, I want to keep it all, but if I do that, well...I can't keep creating.  Therefore, I must keep it moving.  Finally, I want to post about the different things I create each week.  I will try to post a how to for some of them. So that's it for now.